Friday, January 14, 2011

2011 New Year GOALS

I am challenging myself. BIG TIME this year! I want to lose 50-60 pounds and I want to work M-F building my MT skills by working for Medscript and giving it my ALL. My kids and family are all a part of my life and I need to be a more active and healthy mother and my marriage needs some work too. I'd like to work on these things proactively! But to get started I want to set some primary goals and report back EACH day on how I'm doing. I journal too but I want to do this also because it seems like when I'm accountable to someone...anyone...I DO more! Weird...I know. So, M-F I will wake early...and early for me is 9 or 10 a.m. and start my MT work. I want to get the majority of my line count in between 10-5 (with breaks in between) to walk on my Nordictrack stepper and they say that 12,000 steps a day is good for health. I want to start by getting in 1000 steps PER day this week starting today (Friday, Jan. 14th) - (Friday, Jan. 21st). Then I will reassess my exercise regimen and UP my step count. As for MT work...I want to get 280-400 lines A day this week (M-F) so I will actually start it today (Friday, Jan. 14th). It will take getting used too and I need to FOCUS and not sleep in and lose half my days anymore. On Saturdays I'd like to do a little crafting with my Cricut (making cards or scrapbooking) and working on my hair accessories (Baby Blue Bowtique) Saturday is my HOBBY/FUN day! Sunday has been a REAL "issue" for me! I want and MUST get to ALL my mtgs at church EVERY Sunday starting THIS Sunday (Jan. 16th) and our church meetings start EARLY this year. 9-noon. I have these 3 things to do this week and I did watch Apostle Christofferson's talk on DAY AT A TIME and maintaining DAY AT A TIME Goals so that's what I'll do! Each day I will report on what I did for the day and then if I think of anything more I want to work on or if I want to set another goal, I will post it for ALL to see. Right now I've bitten off a BIG piece for this upcoming week. Wish me luck friends!!! I can do anything I put my mind too and my mind is SET on getting fit this year, making decent money working as an MT from home, and attending church mtgs. weekly and attending the temple ONCE a month too. I will NOT neglect the things I've already got in the HABIT of journaling, FHE, Sunday movie night, family game night, and nightly thoughts and family prayer. I want my family to STAY together and I have to work HARD to make that happen! I will take baby steps and work on things day by day. It's the ONLY way this can possibly work for me. So, it's 3 a.m. and I need to sign off so that I can be UP by 9 or 10 a.m. GN and SWEET DREAMS ALL! Shelly


  1. Can you add to your list lunch or dinner with your friend (me) at least once every four months :). Sounds like some great goals. We really need to get together and catch up on life

  2. You are SO funny! I really DO wanna get together and catch up. I am coming to stay and visit with my mom and Britnee on March 4th weekend. Will you be around? R U working at the hospital and what number is best to reach you at? Do I have that phone number? Let me know. TTYL friend! Who's that lil' pic of? Not URS???!!! Shelly
